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Why Choose Us?

UvsU athletics is InnerGy fitness apparel focused on self expression through our products. UvsU’s hand selected quality activewear is just as invigorating as it is stylish. We want our customers to feel comfortable while remaining consciously self aware. We  aim at tackling the often avoided conversation  of what it really means to be mind over body. UvsU is set to Ascend and we welcome you aboard as you seek success and find the highest version of yourself. 

About Us

Kelvin Moore


As an athlete and the brand creator I understand the importance of feeling good in the skin I’m in. Aside from feeling good, I wanted to equally look as good as I feel, but I didn’t find that the brands often wore resonated with my sentiments or represented the internal conflict we all fight daily.  U vs U. was created to give not just athletes but persons from all walks of life, a stylishly comfortable apparel brand they can relate too. 



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Washington DC

PO Box 118 Cheltenham Md 20623